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Special Limited Offer:

The GF Mission: Sustainable Nutrition Membership

Today only:

$69.00 $27
(60% off!)

What it is:

This is a small group sustained coaching nutrition and mindset program that teaches women how to apply strategies for weight management and body acceptance so that the days of yo-yo dieting and crying while looking in the mirror are over.
Join Mission: Sustainable Nutrition (60% off!!!)First Month: $27, $69/month after trial period,
you may easily cancel at any time!

What are the benefits?

You will learn how to:

  • Define your purpose and understand why it's important to your long-term success in weight management.

  • Sustainably eat for your best body without starving yourself.

  • Enjoy food responsibly and cultivate sustainable habits for long-term success - not just those short-term wins.

  • Feel better about how you eat, look, and move so that you can look in the mirror and feel joy instead of getting wrapped up in numbers on the scale.

  • Experience emotions without knee jerk reactions like over or under-eating.

  • Easily attend social events and have fun without fear of overeating.

  • Become an expert at the habits and tools you need to sustain that healthy, lean, body for life.

Join Mission: Sustainable NutritionFirst Month: $27, $69/month after trial period,
you may easily cancel at any time!

How does this work?

  • Live weekly Zoom group strategy calls so that you can get answers to your nutrition questions and get the benefit of hearing answers to others’ questions as well!

  • Access to our private portal with brief training modules designed to teach you how to foster long-term nutrition and weight management success.

  • Accountability group chat for support from other women in the program. Use this as little or often as you want - but the camaraderie is super helpful!

  • Access to the email support so that you can get answers to your most pressing nutrition questions or just a little extra support from Coach Judy. Judy will reply within 24 hours on weekdays.

  • We use small steps to cultivate habit training that supports progress that is not only quick, but sustainable

  • Need more support? Book up to two 15 minute calls with Judy per month, included.

Join Mission: Sustainable NutritionFirst Month: $27, $69/month after trial period,
you may easily cancel at any time!