Celebrate Your Commitments

This is the hectic week before christmas, and the rush is on to create the ideal holiday setting. This week Ed and I also celebrate our wedding anniversary.
In many ways. Life long fitness is analogous to a life long happy marriage.

To be successful, both require dedication and commitment. If you want each to last, you have to be present. You have to be committed. You have to put in major effort. If you want your marriage to last you have to own the responsibility of dating your spouse for life. If you want your fitness to last, you have to own your fitness habits.
The holidays are no exception.

Being married the week before Christmas, could be an excuse to blow off an anniversary celebration, in exchange for squeezing in more holiday preparations. Early on in our marriage, when we had two toddlers in diapers and sleepless nights, we got behind on laundry and gift wrapping. We spent that anniversary conquering mount-wash-more and wrapping gifts. We looked at each other and came to an agreement. Never again would we omit celebrating our wedding day to prepare for Christmas. From that point on, we learned to prepare ahead of time so that on 12/23 every year, we could relax with our family and celebrate our marriage.
I treat my fitness lifestyle the same way. There are times when it would be easier to put off my fit habits, for example the weeks before Christmas. But I choose to own my fitness commitment. I chose to be consistent with my exercise and nutrition habits. Being consistent now, makes the transition to the new year less stressful. I don’t have to do resolutions for fitness, because I resolved years ago to be consistent.
Like a marriage vow, be committed to your fitness. You will thank your self.

And always remember to be grateful and kind.

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