Have you ever noticed how dogs and children, take action when they want something?
Treats. Attention. A walk.
Caymus, our younger pup, brought me his leash 3 separate times this morning. He obviously wanted to go for a walk, and he was taking action to get what he wanted.
And it hit me, he is an expert at taking action to get what he wants. Ironically I was reading an article about taking action as he was dropping the leash at my feet. What amazes me is I that had to read an article to drive home the point, yet my dog instinctively knew to take action.
Instinctively, I believe we know too. Where we fall short is in allowing ourselves get stuck in a certain mindset.
A limiting issue that many of my clients come to me with is a lack of consistency. What I hear most is this:
“To be consistent, I have to eat very little and very plain.”
“I am consistent Monday through Thursday, but every weekend, I cannot manage social situations with my restrictive diet and I blow it.”
This is not truly a consistency problem. A very restrictive diet is frankly, not in alignment with anyone who has an ounce of a social life.
We can all agree that in order to make a change we must take action, right??? Naturally, if our current solution does not work, it is up to us to take action and use a different approach. What if we open our minds to the fact that there are better ways to be consistent and get results, especially if your current plan is not sustainable.
At different times our minds can be open to different beliefs. Can you open your mind to the belief that you can eat responsibly without being severely restrictive?
I will be honest, this concept took me several tries to get it right, and in previous years I went back to the ‘false comfort’ of my previous restrictive diet. But this always failed and I had cheat meals followed by guilt.
After too many Monday morning guilt trips, I took action to change both my lifestyle, and my perspective of a healthy lean physique. Now I enjoy the freedom to eat what I want, with responsibly. Better yet I accept, that my body has muscles and curves not just skin and muscles. (If that includes a little cellulite, so be it. Women need some fat over their muscles to be healthy)
Take action to change your behavior. You already know how to eat restrictively, yet it doesn’t work on weekends or vacations. Take your current plan, and apply the parts you can manage indefinitely. For me that includes veggies and protein at most meals, and my non-negotiable rule, which is to eat, if and only if, seated. #EatIFFSeated
This is freedom with responsibility. Freedom with Responsibility is the hallmark of Drive to Thrive Over 45, my program to help women approaching midlife, gain control of their fitness and nutrition for good.
One more thing, gentle friend, when we change our perspective to one of gratitude, instead of FOMO, a huge mindset shift happens! You just learned two of the key behaviors of Drive to Thrive Over 45. 1.)Eat If and only if seated #EatIFFseated, and 2.)#gratitude. My beta test version of this program begins on September 4th. I am only accepting 10 motivated women into this group. Grab your spot now at 70% off Drive to Thrive Over 45
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