Episode 110: The Worst Advice You Could Get on Food Elimination

Eliminating entire food groups or even certain foods is really popular with the dieting crowd. The problem is, it doesn’t apply to everyone and what works for one person doesn’t work for everyone. Hopping on a new diet bandwagon because it’s something different it’s not necessarily in your best interest. Today we’re talking all about why we should never say never when it comes to abstaining from food. Unless of course, we have a life-threatening allergy. As we enter midlife, it becomes even more important to live a life that is balanced versus one that is very binary or full of strict rules about good versus bad, and should and should not, especially when it comes to enjoying food.

As a bonus today, we discuss a few popular foods that you may want to consider eliminating temporarily to see how your body responds.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at judy@judyarazoza.com

Remember to tune in on Tuesdays for a new episode of the Air Hug Community podcast.

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