Episode 115: Trapped in My Sports Bra with Author Marlene Kern Fischer

You are in for a treat today we have some real conversations about what really happens in midlife. My guest today is Marlene Kern Fisher and she wrote a couple of books but one was called “Trapped in My Sports Bra And Other Harrowing Tales”. And we are here to talk about her hilarious take on midlife. Get your tissues ready and make sure you go to the bathroom before you listen because you’re gonna laugh so hard I guarantee you’re gonna be crossing your legs.

One of my favorite quotes of this whole conversation that just came up spontaneously was “You know, we don’t have that new car smell anymore and we all have a few miles on us.”  Can you relate? I certainly can.

Follow Marlene on Facebook with her blog page, Thoughts From Aisle 4, and also on Instagram with the same name.

Contact judy@judyarazoza.com with guest inquiries or suggestions.

Follow me on Instagram at Judyarazoza

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