Episode 125: Workout Guides for Busy Living: Just the facts

It’s exciting in a new year to get on board with a fresh workout plan. But if that plan doesn’t fit your busy life, the chances of being able to stay with it long term are slim to none. This is why people quickly abandon their New Year’s resolutions within a few short weeks. In this episode, I cover the facts about what you actually need week-to-week, to improve and maintain a healthy body. Some gym rats may disagree, but the fact is we don’t need to live in the gym. Moreover, the best plan is the one you can stick with long-term.

Got questions? contact judy@judyarazoza.com

Or message me on Instagram @judy_arazoza

PS- Please check back every Tuesday for new episodes that will change the way you navigate the second half of your life, aka midlife mastery.

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