Episode Three: Surprising Effects of Alcohol on Fat Loss

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Show Notes:

Alcohol has been around since biblical times and is a hugely popular topic with regard to fat loss. In this episode, Judy talks about the 5 ways that alcohol halts fat loss. Alcohol puts fat burning on hold. Alcohol is a disinhibitor. It supplies calories with zero nutritional benefits, and in fact, can hinder the performance of several vital organs. Alcohol is also responsible for diminishing testosterone levels leading to a sluggish metabolism and increased fat storage. Lastly, unfortunately, alcohol itself, is an appetite stimulant. The key to enjoying alcohol while maximizing midlife health and fitness is to know your ability is to moderate your intake. This is completely unique to each of us and must be addressed by paying attention to our habits and behaviors, and the outcomes that result from them. This episode is in no way intended to diagnose or treat an alcohol addiction. for more information on alcohol addiction please go to  www.AA.org.

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For more information visit www.gratefulfitness.com or email judy at Judy@judyarazoza.com.  Check back every Tuesday for new episode releases.

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