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Show Notes:
One of the primary goals of the Air Hug Community and Strong by Judy is to use a three-pillar approach to fitness and health. One of these pillars is cultivating an attitude of worthiness and working actively on personal development. (The other two are using sweat equity and a sustainable nutrition program)
The guest in this episode is a certified Forest Bathing Guide. In our discussion, Deb Denome explains how spending quiet time, not like hiking but more of a gentle walk, can open up our minds. She talks about using our five traditional senses and also suggests that there are more than five senses that we can tap into to open our minds.
Forest Therapy was created in Japan as a means to dissolve the skyrocketing suicide rate in the 1980s, and it has been highly successful. It has since branched out to the rest of the world and is recognized as a beneficial form of Eco Therapy.
Thank you for tuning in and remember to check back every Tuesday for a new episode.
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