Episode 37: How to Make Peace with Your Metabolism with Dr. Jade Teta

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Show Notes:

Your metabolism is a stress barometer, and your brain perceives stress levels by looking at the absence or presence of hunger, energy, sleep quality, and cravings. When these are out of balance, stress is at an unhealthy level. Cravings are not all in your head.

The stress barometer…aka metabolism is more sensitive and refined in females because females are the offspring producing sex.  Female hormones fluctuate and have a major effect on the metabolism and the stress barometer.  It is important to note that at different stages of life,  fluctuations and relative amounts of hormones will affect the metabolism differently. These fluctuations have a huge impact on midlife health and fitness.

Dr. Jade explains how to make peace with your metabolism by using entertaining analogies that make understanding the science simplified.

Follow Dr. jade on Instagram @jadeteta and Jadeteta.com

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