Episode Four: Fat Talk and Beauty Sickness

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Show Notes:

In episode 4 we get into a commentary about the dangers and the origin of the term ‘fat talk’  Fat Talk may possibly be a sign of another problem, Beauty Sickness. Beauty sickness is self-limiting for several reasons. For more information on these topics visit this article and this Ted Talk.

For more information visit www.gratefulfitness.com or email judy at Judy@judyarazoza.com.  Check back every Tuesday for new episode releases.

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2 Comments on “Episode Four: Fat Talk and Beauty Sickness”

  1. OMG! My mom started telling me at a young age “Beauty is all a girl has.” Even then I found these comments of hers very disturbing. There is more to women than a well kept appearance and thin body. Thank you for talking about this.

  2. My mom never said, “Beauty is all we have” but she acted like it every day of our lives together. I guess it’s just a different generation.


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