Episode 72: Bringing Fitness Together with Jon Goodman

What does it mean when someone has been in the fitness industry for 17 years, written 11 books on the business of fitness, and published 1,000 articles from 800 different coaches, and insists on hiring a personal trainer to coach him?

It means hiring a trainer is a really good idea.

There is always something to be learned.

Jon’s mission is to bring the fitness world together, so that fitness professionals may serve their clients in the best of ways.  As you embark on your new or continued fitness journey, take a listen to Jon’s always helpful and often funny comments on how to manage your time in the gym, and please be careful of social media trainers who are let’s say…. going to extremes to get your attention.

PS- Confused about midlife health and fitness? That’s my niche, and one more thing, I promise I won’t make ya do a gazillion burpees or crazy newfangled goofy workouts.

Remember to tune in each Tuesday for a new episode. Do me a favor?  Pretty please leave a 5-star review on Apple. Your review really helps Apple to push this podcast out so that more people might get their ears on it. Thank you so much.

Find me on Instagram @Judyarazoza 

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