Episode 79: Three Terrible Taboos to Avoid for Better Aging

How do you picture your future life? Do you want to be the person who is slowly dying, in pain, and watching life from the sidelines? Or do you wanna be the person who has gusto and who lives life on her own terms until the very last moment?  I think we can all agree that we’d like to actually live our life on our own terms until the very last breath. And if that’s how you feel then you’re going to want to know about these three taboo habits to avoid for better longevity. It’s no surprise that how you behave now has a direct impact on the quality of life you will have in the future, and so making sure to avoid these three taboo behaviors is like buying an insurance policy for a better quality of life.

I like to share my perspective that midlife starts whenever you think it starts and it lasts until you take your very last breath. In other words, it’s up to us to lay out a  plan that will yield us a great quality life for the remainder of our time. The source of these three taboos is from an extensive review of best practices for living well from numerous sources. These are the common denominators that surfaced most often.

Thank you for tuning and remember to check back every Tuesday for a new episode.

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