We may falsely believe it is painful to get honest with ourselves, but it is likely more painful to live stuck and deny ourselves our truth. Midlife can be a time of turbulent change and being honest with our feelings, how we act, and how satisfied we may or may not be can have a huge ripple effect.
Getting honest might be scary because fear that we won’t get the support that we need. Rebecca talks about being our own cheerleader and also cultivating relationships so that you have cheerleaders in your life.
This episode is full of ‘mic-drop’ moments that all of us can benefit from.
Follow Becca on Instagram @BeccaRibbing and visit her website Becca Ribbing
to get her Clarity Journal.
Thank you for tuning and remember to check back every Tuesday for a new episode.
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Do you have a midlife story that needs to be shared? Contact me at judy@judyarazoza.com and let’s get your story shared here on the Air Hug Community podcast.
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4 Comments on “Episode 82: Becca Ribbing on Can You Pass the Getting Honest Test?”
Getting honest with yourself is teaching you to stop living bin denial. We so often don’t want to accept diversity. Good blog post.
Nancy- Denial can be so sneaky that we don’t even realize were doing it. And that’s where slowing down and really thinking this through can be eye-opening.
Tell me about it. I had to get honest about all the “stuff” I’ve spent money on the last few years. Do I really need that dress still in the package for the last two years? And do I really need to pay for storage for things I haven’t used in 2-3 years?
Yes. Time to be honest I guess. Thanks for the reminder.
Denial is hard to break.
Thanks for the reminder.