Episode 83: Michele Benyo On Good Grief: Support for Families affected by Loss

Grief is one of those life situations that make us feel uncomfortable and somewhat useless.  When the loss is from a child, no matter the age, it can be hard to know just how to comfort the various family members.  Our guest Michele Benyo knows this all too well. Michele lost her young son to cancer leaving behind her 3-year-old daughter.  Being an early childhood education specialist, her daughter’s grief was something she had no idea how to navigate and she found zero resources to aid her.

This was years before social media and before the internet went mainstream. Michele has since mastered how to comfort grieving children, and how adults can help to support grieving children and their families. Nearly everyone has had or will have contact with someone who needs grief support. This is a must-listen for everyone. Michele reminds us to keep the memories of the departed alive and to call and check on grieving friends or family members more often than we think is adequate.

If they don’t want to talk, they simply don’t have to pick up the phone. This prevents the grief from being the elephant in the room.  More often than not extending your ear will make the griever feel grateful for the opportunity to share memories of their loved one.  Remember a lot of good can be done through Air Hugs a.k.a. touching someone’s heart with love and concern.


For more information visit Michele Benyo at Good Grief Parenting

on Instagram @GoodGriefParenting

Thank you for tuning and remember to check back every Tuesday for a new episode.

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 contact me judy@judyarazoza.com



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