Frantic Food Anxiety and Sesame Cookies

Frantic Food Frenzy

 Food can foster family and community. Food can be joyful. Food can make you feel good. But—food is not love… Food is food. 

Look on the web and you will find many methods to manage holiday temptations. But consider this, copying someone else’s diet is like trying to fit into your best friends jeans. They look great on her, but not so much on you.

We have all read countless tips, like ‘eat a big salad at home…yeah, right. That big salad with dry tuna does not get me in the party spirit, nor prevent me from wanting amazing party food. Instead, of focusing on what you shouldn’t do, try this instead. Take a moment to be grateful. Now, consider if you are stressed, and if you are using food to self sooth.

Embrace this: What you do the majority of the time, will impact your progress more than what you do once in a while. The most effective strategy then, is to be consistent, because being too restrictive will lead to a binge and being too indulgent will make you feel guilty.

If an over indulgence happens, just make peace with it and move on. The next day have some extra water with lemon. Then just eat normally. Falling into the trap of over indulgence followed by severe restricting is the opposite of consistency.

Look for your personal middle ground, the place where you can wear your clothes comfortably and yet not feel deprived. Make a conscious effort to stay there. Remember not to be too restrictive, too little is always followed by too much. Now, you still have to be somewhat restrictive, because to maintain your middle ground you get everything you need, and some of what you want.

“To maintain your consistency, your middle ground, you get everything you need, and some of what you want”

Please don’t obsess about all the little food rules. Pick your own rules, and be consistent. If you are looking for direction, check out my 4P Plan for suggestions.

Judy’s 4 P’s  

Protein:   Consume some protein  at every meal.  This should average out to the size of your palm in thickness and area.  About 4 palms worth a day.

Pump:     The hands down most effective way to keep your body burning calories like a wood fired pizza oven is to pump iron. (Like you know…heavier than your designer handbag)  The stimulus will keep your metabolism in burning mode.

Prime:    Prime yourself with water all day long, every day.  A well hydrated body digests and more efficiently.  At social events, try alternating water and cocktails.

Plan:       Have a plan in place where you allow yourself one treat per day.  It could be a special adult beverage or a little sweet that you covet.  Make it special, and savor it.   There is no reason to overdo it because you will have some more the next day if you want it. Decide when and where you want that treat, then have it and stop.  By having it you avoid the cycle of deprive-binge-deprive again-binge more.  That just leads to self-disgust.  Let’s face it; overindulging always makes us feel like shit the next day. Having a treat is the best of both worlds. Enjoy yet still have be in control.

Finally, find your joy in non food activities, and remember to always be grateful and kind.

Below is one of my mother’s old Christmas cookie recipes

Sesame Cookies (Family Recipe) 

Cream the following with a mixer:

  • 1/2 cup shortening or butter
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 2 eggs

Add in:

  • 2 tsp milk or cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla


  • 2 1/2 cups flour
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 tsp salt

Roll into finger width snakes and cut into 2 inch pieces. Dip in a milk bath and roll in sesame seeds. Bake on greased  cookie sheet at 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes.

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