How to Age Gracefully

When it’s not the weekend yet, yet your brain wants to skip a day…

This is a clear sign of a mental block.

This reminds me of my dog Caymus and our invisible fence.

Once trained, he would not cross the line even if he didn’t have his collar on. We even had to put him in the car to drive over the line to go out for a walk.

We had to retrain his brain to learn the difference between his walking collar and his invisible fence collar. Caymus proved to be quite coachable.

What about you? Are you hiding behind an invisible fence?

If can be very easy to get stuck behind an imaginary invisible fence.

The beauty is that, like Caymus, we can retrain our brain to get past the obstacles that are holding us back.

I’ve witnessed too many sad women stay stuck behind that imagined ‘age barrier.’

That age barrier was likely instilled in them long ago, perhaps by previous generations. We have all heard it; it comes up pretty often. But in most cases, it’s more of a crutch to keep within the comfort zone.

Why would anyone want to believe a thought that keeps them in a miserable state?

Byron Katie has some fabulous books on how to do ‘the work’ (as she affectionately calls it) to get over limiting beliefs. I have seen many women lately dis-own that imaginary age barrier and accomplish some amazing goals.

Where do you stand?

Do you think that at a certain age you can’t behave a certain way or achieving certain goals?

I want to hear your take. Personally, I embrace the thought that we are never too old and it’s never too late to improve. This is another one of my core values.

For more discussions on aging gracefully, visit our closed Facebook community for  Fit Women Over 40.


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