Vacation: train or rest?

This is a very special time for our family. We are days away from our oldest daughter’s wedding. While it is kind of like a vacation week, it is also is uniquely different. I can’t really explain this amazing feeling of anticipation. We have that holiday feeing going on with a lot of little tasks.

While I have the urge to workout everyday, I do not have the mental focus to do long sessions. Let’s put is this way: I like the idea of working out but I don’t want to miss out on any of the fun! 

My clients express a similar feeling before, during, and after vacations. Getting in workouts during these times is a low priority, however that feeling of doing something physical to ensure future fitness is so gratifying!  Sweat therapy is real and a major stress reliever (if the workout doesn’t take up too much time).

How can we satisfy our desire to workout and still have time to relax? The solution is a short effective workout.

Here is one of my favorite workouts that you can pull up on your phone or laptop and do anywhere. 

Beach Vacation Workout

If you are having a vacation, a staycation, or just a crazy week – a short intense workout might be just what you need! #sweatequity

By the way, if you choose to take a rest week that might be just as good for you. We all need to take periodic rests to recharge. However, if you are craving a speedy sweat session try this vacation workout

 P.S. More vacation tips are coming next week in the Strong by Judy Newsletter (including my strategy for how to manage and enjoy food choices while traveling).  Sign up here to get the newsletter and my exclusive Travel Eats Cheat Sheet.

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