Cravings Part 2: How Being More Mindless Can Quell Cravings

You are enough

You have enough

You do enough

We are plugged in all the time. We are consumed with knowing more, being more and doing more. We have stopped listening to our inner voice. When we become quiet, we have the opportunity to process all that information. 

I have to thank my dogs for this revelation. Opus, Caymus and I have a walk date every morning. As a new dog owner, I imagined walking my labradors leisurely with a cup of coffee and a podcast in my ear. (because… multitasking) 

In reality, this did not go well, especially when I had to carry a full poop bag. Most of the time I was too busy untangling dogs, spilling coffee and carefully carrying full poop bag. I rarely paid attention to the podcast anyway.

In the past year I have been launching Strong by Judy online, and I am focused on teaching women to master fitness and nutrition, as I do, in midlife. Naturally I was thirsty for for knowledge on how do this well online. I filled every waking moment with podcasts and webinars on online business, and I read numerous books on mindfulness. 

I was actually feeling stressed, and was loosing ground with my own fitness behaviors. This was evident by the increase in cravings, and restlessness I was experiencing. One morning, I was annoyed to find that I forgot to charge my headphones, and our morning was walk silent. This mistake turned out to be a blessing. I had forgotten the gloriousness of silence. Years ago, when my kids were at the napping stage, I coveted the silence of nap time. I intentionally avoided TV and phone calls, and if I worked out, I did it in silence.

That first silent walk with my dogs was a minor revelation. I was reminded of past silent nap hours. Intentional silent mindless moments, help us to get grounded and oddly enough, more mindful. Our minds need time alone every day just to process “what is”.

I am not really into meditation, but my early morning silent walks with my dogs are mindless time, to let my brain just be, and go where ever it wants.

Try it. Make time to be in a quiet zone, and just let your mind be. Do not try to solve any problems or plot out your day. Just let your mind go wherever it goes.

If you commute, you have a built in opportunity to be mindless. During your commute, consider turing off the radio or your audio book and drive in silence.

For those times when you find yourself struggling with cravings and a restless brain, try getting mindless once a day. The calmness of being mindless and silent, can prepare you to be more mindful.  

Looking for a delicious quick meal from your blender? Check out this recipe.

Peach Arugula Meal shake

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