Episode 105: Protein is not Just for Bodybuilders

We just got back from a family vacation where we stayed in an Air B&B. Are you into those?

The reason I really like short-term rentals as a vacation option is that I get to cook, and late summer is such a fun time to explore local harvests.

Are you up for some late summer healthy food inspiration?

Here is one of my favorite salads from this trip: “Burrata Salad with Nectarines Tomatoes and Basil”.

My son and his girlfriend made this for us. It was so good that I ate it for breakfast the next day alongside my eggs.

There is no recipe really. Just make a vinaigrette from red wine vinegar, olive oil, and salt and pepper. Arrange bite-size pieces of burrata over a huge platter of sliced vine ripe local tomatoes and nectarines. Scatter fresh basil over the top generously, and drizzle with the vinaigrette.

My other favorite salad also has fresh local veggies. It’s a “Fresh Corn and Tomato Salad”.

For each person use 1 ear of corn and 1 medium-large heirloom tomato. Boil or roast the corn on a grill. When the corn is cool slice the kernels off of the cob.

Meanwhile, make your favorite vinaigrette and slice up a huge handful of basil leaves. Then cut the tomatoes into 1-inch cubes saving any juices. Toss it all in a large bowl. Add in sliced red onions.

Do you like pickled red onions? If so let me know and I will share my favorite super simple recipe for them in a future newsletter.

Speaking of healthy food inspo, can we talk about one more foodie topic?

Yes? ok.

A common myth is that only bodybuilders need to watch their protein but the truth of the matter is that protein is required for several vital body parts and functions.

If you are in midlife or beyond there’s even more reason to prioritize getting adequate protein in your system routinely. And it’s not just how much or how often it’s how you spread it out throughout the day as well.

The good news is you don’t have to be a science major in order to get adequate protein and it’s all explained in this podcast chat. Listen below.

And don’t leave your besties out! For goodness sake, share this with anyone who wants to be rewarded for putting good and delicious food in her body.

Got questions? Reach out to me.

For more information on strategies to manage your eating to honor yourself book a nutrition call here.

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