Episode 61: Rules not to Follow: People Pleasing and Perfectionism

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Show Notes:

Failure. Success. Progress. Perfection. One of these things is not like the other.

Do you get the feeling that you are not living up to your potential? Is it a gnawing feeling that makes you feel like you need to do so much more?  It likely is due to the unwritten rules that dictate we have to be people-pleasers and perfectionists.

The truth is that perfection is a theoretical concept.  Once we learn that we are unique and perfectly individualistic, we can stop chasing someone else’s idea of perfect. We all struggle with these concepts and yet we fail and then see the failure as shame-provoking.  Failure is necessary and helpful. It’s how we learn. Failing fast and often is a necessary obstacle to our eventual progress. Learning to embrace failure needs to be a dominating attitude in midlife health and fitness, a career, and anything of importance in our lives.

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