9 Podcast Episodes for Living a Healthy Lifestyle

With the sheer amount of information on the web, you would think it would be easier than ever to get the healthy lifestyle tips you need to live your best life. Not the case! It can be hard to weed through what’s good and what isn’t, what is worth your time and what is better off skipped…

I’ve done some of the work for you and have assembled 9 of the best Air Hug Community episodes geared toward living a healthy lifestyle. Whether it’s a solo episode with yours truly or a guest interview, there’s no doubt that you will walk away with healthy lifestyle tips that are actionable and worth your time.

Without further ado, here are 9 of the best podcast episodes for living a healthy lifestyle:

Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #1. Rules not to Follow: People Pleasing and Perfectionism

A truly healthy lifestyle is one that prioritizes self-love and self-care. The truth is that a “perfect healthy lifestyle” is a theoretical concept. Once we learn that we are unique and perfectly individualistic, we can stop chasing someone else’s idea of perfect.

We all struggle with these concepts and yet we fail and then see the failure as shame-provoking. Failure is necessary and helpful. It’s how we learn. Failing fast and often is a necessary obstacle to our eventual progress. Learning to embrace failure needs to be a dominating attitude in midlife health and fitness, a career, and anything of importance in our lives.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 61: Rules Not to Follow: People Pleasing and Perfectionism


Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #2. Why we forget: A Book Review of “Remember” written by Lisa Genova

Our brains are literal miracle workers. Every day our brain does many different things. our brain helps us comprehend, and feel, and smell. It signals an urge for things like chocolate and sleep. It detects pain and pleasure, helps us balance, produces language, and feels empathy.

We need our memory to learn anything. In fact, we use it every waking minute and even when we’re sleeping. So why is it that we forget some of the simplest tasks or names or appointments? Are we doomed to become absent-minded in midlife? It turns out that there are strategies we can add to our healthy lifestyle toolbox to help us both war off Alzheimer’s also and be better at remembering the small stuff.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 70: A Book Review of “Remember” written by Lisa Genova


Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #3. Dare to Challenge Conventional Aging with Lisa King

If you’re teetering on how to decipher what you can and cannot control when it comes to living a healthy lifestyle, then this talk is going to profoundly affect your current world. This talk appeared originally on Instragam live.

My dear friend and guest Lisa King and I talk candidly about our own realizations in our 6th decade and beyond, and how Deepak Chopra’s best-selling book “Ageless Mind Timeless Body” published in 1993 was truly ahead of its time.

We touch on stress, being one with the universe, meditation, and even intermittent fasting. It goes way beyond having great genetics, exercising, and eating well. This one is chock-full of healthy lifestyle tips.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 73: Dare to Challenge Conventional Aging with Lisa King


Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #4. Sharing out loud with Heather Danby, Her story of How Mom Happy Hour turned to Addiction

Our guest shares a very sensitive story for the very first time in public. It begins with a young lady who doesn’t even drink in college and later turns into an alcoholic stemming from ‘mommy happy hours’ The challenge of facing this in midlife and during a pandemic is just too important not to share.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 78: Sharing out loud with Heather Danby, Her story of How Mom Happy Hour turned to Addiction


Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #5. Maryann Lorusso on Beauty Standards for Gen X Women

Sometimes living a healthy lifestyle means taking a step back and asking what that actually means and if it is based in others’ expectations.

Maryann LoRusso has been a magazine writer for decades, and for 20 years worked in New York as a fashion magazine editor/journalist. She literally lived in that Devil wears Prada world and witnessed firsthand unrealistic standards of beauty and weight put upon women. Gen X women and even the baby boomers have experienced this firsthand.

This distorted version of normal has carried over to the fitness world as well. We went deep on the expectations the beauty and weight loss industry has put out there, and how trainers have a responsibility to help women understand that thin is not always the healthiest lifestyle.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 76: Maryann Lorusso on Beauty Standards for Gen X Women

Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #6. Better Sex and 11 Other Reasons to be Consistent at This

Sexual health is an important part of living a healthy lifestyle.

In my 20s I worked out to have a better body. In my 30s I worked out to de-stress and have a better body after delivering children. In my 40s I worked out to have stronger bones. In my 50s I worked out because I could. In my 60s I work out because I want to improve my power, strength, brainpower, and my sex life.

No matter what age you are, working out consistently gives us so much more than weight loss and 6 pack abs.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 91: Better Sex and 11 Other Reasons to be Consistent at This


Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #7. Your Diet May be Causing You to Retain Fat

Could your diet be making you hold onto fat? In some cases that’s exactly what could happen. In today’s episode, we talk about a study that examines women with high cognitive dietary restraint in women with low cognitive dietary restraint. So what is cognitive dietary restraint? It is the perceived ongoing effort to limit dietary intake to maintain or manage body weight.

Studies have shown that women with high dietary restraint are more likely to have two issues one of which can cause them to hold on to body fat in spite of eating in a calorie deficit.  If you’ve ever been on a diet and struggled to get leaner I think you’re going to be interested in what this episode has uncovered and what it means for your own healthy lifestyle journey.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 97: Your Diet May be Causing You to Retain Fat


Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #8: Female Fitness Fibs to Stop Believing Now [part1]

When I first started pursuing a healthy lifestyle and working out I made all of the fitness mistakes that we are talking about in this episode. If I didn’t share the lessons I learned from these mistakes I would be doing you a huge disservice. Especially because they can be counterintuitive. We need to dispel these myths so that women can stop being so frustrated with working hard and having nothing to show for it.

In this episode, we uncover the myths about getting bulky, soreness, sweating, and the [false] dangers of lifting for women. In the next episode, we are continuing with more female fitness fibs to uncover.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 102: Female Fitness Fibs to Stop Believing Now [part1]


Healthy Lifestyle Podcast #9: Female Fitness Fibs to Stop Believing Now [part2]

In this episode, we are diving into five more false fitness beliefs that are hurting your progress. If you are a woman trying to improve your body composition and live a healthier lifestyle then you are going to want to listen to this episode. You will be so happy to learn about how to use and not misuse cardio, lighter weights, protein, and eating in a calorie deficit. We also explain how exhaustion plays a role in all of this. Hint: The good news is that being exhausted all the time is not the goal.

Listen to Air Hug Community Episode 102: Female Fitness Fibs to Stop Believing Now [part2]


Interested in More Healthy Lifestyle Tips?

Living a healthy lifestyle does not need to be difficult or a mystery. Sign up for my newsletter below and get my “best exercises for women over 40” video series in your inbox for FREE!

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Free 3-Part video Series goes in-depth teaching you how to perform the above exercises step-by-step THE RIGHT WAY without getting hurt.

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6 Comments on “9 Podcast Episodes for Living a Healthy Lifestyle”

  1. Pingback: Episode 61: Rules not to Follow: People Pleasing and Perfectionism - Strong by Judy

  2. Pingback: Episode 76: Maryann Lorusso on Beauty Standards for Gen X Women - Strong by Judy

  3. Pingback: Episode 97: Your Diet May be Causing You to Retain Fat - Strong by Judy

  4. These are great episodes! And congratulations on being so consistent with your podcast. We have a wine podcast and are up to over 150 episodes but sometimes I have to really push myself to get them done!

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