If you’re teetering on how to decipher what you can and cannot control when it comes to midlife health and fitness, then this talk is going to profoundly affect your current world. This talk appeared originally on Instragam live. My dear friend and guest Lisa King and I talk candidly about our own realizations in our 6th decade and beyond, and how Deepak Chopras best selling book “Ageless Mind Timeless Body” published in 1993 was truly ahead of its time. We touch on stress, being one with the universe, meditation, and even intermittent fasting. It goes way beyond having great genetics, exercising, and eating well.
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One Comment on “Episode 73: Dare to Challenge Conventional Aging with Lisa King”
Thanks for sharing these insightful thoughts and ideas.
I remember reading Deepak Chopras book “Ageless Mind Timeless Body” back in 1993.
I can say that it truly influenced the way I think about aging!