Pauses and Positives #PPP
How do we face temptation? We want healthy habits, but situations arise where we are tempted.
According to Charles Duhigg in his book, The Power of Habit, (find it here) we experience a cue that leads us to wanting a reward. It is overwhelming and we have a certain (negative) routine that leads to the perceived reward.
There is a loop:
Cue> routine> reward
The cue will always be there. And the outcome will always be there. So how do we get from cue >>>to>>>reward without the negative behavior?
Seemingly a prescription for what to do would be an easy solution. But, what works for one of us doesn’t work for everyone. This is the sticky part; you must do some searching to find your personal positive replacement behavior.
Below are some examples; but don’t be limited by them. The replacement behavior has to be your idea. It is an action that you are willing to do every time the cue appears.
A hobby that you find relaxing.…..obviously not baking!
A bath…not me…. by the time I fill the tub I can eat a sleeve of Girl Scout Cookies.
Light a candle while sipping a super tasty tea
Seeking spiritual guidance
Your new positive routine has to be pleasant. Simply abstaining from said negative behavior will not fly long-term.
Food is not the answer. Search to find what truly soothes. As corny as this sounds, remember to be #grateful and appreciate the positives in your life. When you are grateful, it is virtually impossible to be negative and self pitying.
Think of the cue as a fork in the road. Pause. Then choose a positive path, and practice using it. #PPP (PAUSE. POSITIVE. PRACTICE) You may have to try many different routes to see which path leads you the reward without negative consequences.
Need more veggie dinner ideas? Try this:
Quick Pizza Flatbreads:
per serving
1 P28 flatbread find it here
2 cups baby arugula
1 small handful sliced mushrooms
1 small handful grape tomatoes
3 Tbs good quality grated Italian cheese
balsamic vinegar, best quality
Pre cook flat bread directly on middle rack in 400 degree oven for 5″ just until firm. Place flat bread on grill pan or baking sheet or pizza stone. Add veggies and cheese. Return to oven and roast briefly until desired doneness. Drizzle with vinegar and eat! (If you like more wilted veggies sauté them quickly then add to flat bread)
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