Hack: Do this to keep Motivated in the Gym and Kitchen

For the last few years, many bloggers have written annual posts about their “word” for the new year. Oh, that’s nice, I thought sarcastically while scrolling past the articles. You might think I am jumping on the bandwagon, and you might be right! Initially, I didn’t see the value in a single word as a year-long theme. But then I … Read More

Sisterhood…a big part of Successful Weight Management

“The women that we embrace as our ‘sisters’ are sometimes closer than our own family members. They defend us, wipe away our tears, take care of us when we are ill, encourage us in the bad times, lend us money if needed, and support our dreams.~ Sophia Nelson, Huffpost 2013 My BFF’s are family to me. Some came into my … Read More