Recently, I had a lively conversation with a client about emotional triggers. She was referring to the clothes in her closet. We got to talking about the clothes that don’t fit. Consider the small clothes that were impulsively purchased after a restrictive short-term diet. After that diet ended the clothes were a painful reminder of the failure to maintain that unreasonable small size.
Have you ever looked in your closet and came out sad or mad or disgusted? I can relate. I had some emotional baggage items in my closet that I foolishly bought when I was in my ‘borrowed body’. A borrowed body is that body that is ready for a physique competition but not realistic for normal living. It requires unsustainable effort and is meant to be temporary. Every time I looked at those clothes in my closet, I had negative emotions around my body image. I knew that they were part of a previous chapter in life. But emotionally every time I saw those clothes, I had feelings of guilt for not show prepping again. The truth is I don’t want that lifestyle or the effort to get to that temporary borrowed body.
It finally occurred to me that those clothes were triggers for negative emotions about my physique. Letting them go was an uplifting experience because they represented a lifestyle that I closed the chapter on. Removing those triggers gave me the freedom to move on.
The point is, let go of what doesn’t serve you. If you are holding onto to tangible or emotional baggage items that say you are not good enough as you are, just please dump them. Now. Dumping those tangible and emotional triggers frees you up to embrace your worthiness at any size.
Back to my client… we compared notes and also discussed the big clothes that some women keep as insurance. I have heard some women call them their ‘fat pants’.
That is one nasty expression of negative self-talk!
Those larger clothes are powerful fuel for self-doubting attitudes. Like “I’m not good enough to maintain my current size, so I will hold onto these fat clothes for later when I get fat again”
If looking at super small clothes makes you feel inferior, donate them. Clear out those larger clothes too, because they are enabling you to believe you are not worthy to stay in your current size. Stop fueling your insecurity stories. Because once you unconditionally accept yourself, you are free to level up your physique without disappointment.
Make a vow to celebrate your worthiness at any size. If you want to learn more about how to gain peace, and embrace imperfection, check out Brene Brown’s books especially The Gifts of Imperfection.
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