Diet and exercise are necessary for physique change, but only if they are used consistently. They fail for many reasons. Very often our thoughts and attitude limit us from being consistent. “My hips are like battleships” “I have batwing arms ” “I can’t go to the beach, because I look like a whale” Have you ever noticed when women are chatting, … Read More
Quick Guide: When to be Inconsistent
Our bodies give us all kinds of signals. Many times we ignore them. We usually do this because we have been taught that consistency leads to progress. Yet, at times our body’s needs interfere with our plans, and we need to adjust the plan. This week I ignored the signs my body was giving me. That decision turned out to … Read More
Why willpower doesn’t work for weight loss
I started my first diet at age 14, and for 44 years I searched for a diet that would not lead to rebound weight gain, from exhausting my willpower. Watch this video to learn why willpower is not a solution to managing and maintaining fat loss. Willpower is a brain drain, and all quick weight loss diets are based on … Read More
Cut Your Cardio in half for Double the Results
When my oldest two kids were an infant and a toddler, I would have given anything to sleep through the night. My perspective of nighttime feedings and colic changed when the next two kids came along. I saw night time feeding as quality time. I could have done this with all the babies but, I didn’t see midnight parenting as fun … Read More
Eating with Freedom AND Responsibility
Mr. Kennedy was our pal. He was also our elementary school principal. He was the fun kind of principal that we had a healthy respect for. He was also a master at getting kids to understand rules without being stern. His advice was basic and so much of it has stuck with me years later. Mr. Kennedy was keen on preparing us … Read More
What Twinkies Taught Me about Consistency
Do you remember the Subway diet guy? He lost weight by eating only subs every day. And how about the Twinkie diet? That guy only ate Twinkies and lost weight. Over the last 33 years, I have sampled many diet strategies, (not twinkles or subs), and I discovered a common denominator across all nutrition plans. Consistency in honoring hunger and … Read More