The Ultimate Exercise for Fat Loss

What is the best exercise for fat loss? In the ever-evolving world of fitness, the quest for the best fat loss strategy often leads us down numerous paths.  From high-intensity interval training (HIIT) to traditional cardio and various conditioning workouts, the options seem endless. However, amidst this plethora of choices, one form of exercise stands out as the undisputed champion … Read More

Short Bursts of Exercise – or “Exercise Snacks”

As a kid, my mom often gave me “exercise snacks” without either of us knowing it. She would send me down to our cold cement floor cellar to grab ingredients for her next recipe. Or she would ask me to go downstairs to fold laundry and distribute it two floors up to the proper bedrooms. This worked out well for … Read More

4 Tips for Managing your Stress during a Pandemic

. It may be easy to feel anxious in times like these. Our thoughts can go awry in a heartbeat. As the days have gone on, I have come up with some useful ways to manage stress during a pandemic. During a period of worldwide quarantine, people thrive on having a system to help get past the constant worry. Relying … Read More

How to Set Up Your Home Gym for Success

As a young mother,  joining a gym was not an option, and working out was my stress reliever.  I became fascinated with what weight training, kettlebell workouts and TRX training did for my physique. That gave birth to my passion for learning as much as I could about women’s fitness. The natural progression was my in-person and online fitness business. Through the years, … Read More

Hack: Do this to keep Motivated in the Gym and Kitchen

For the last few years, many bloggers have written annual posts about their “word” for the new year. Oh, that’s nice, I thought sarcastically while scrolling past the articles. You might think I am jumping on the bandwagon, and you might be right! Initially, I didn’t see the value in a single word as a year-long theme. But then I … Read More

Quick Guide: When to be Inconsistent

Our bodies give us all kinds of signals. Many times we ignore them. We usually do this because we have been taught that consistency leads to progress. Yet, at times our body’s needs interfere with our plans, and we need to adjust the plan. This week I ignored the signs my body was giving me. That decision turned out to … Read More

Vacation: train or rest?

This is a very special time for our family. We are days away from our oldest daughter’s wedding. While it is kind of like a vacation week, it is also is uniquely different. I can’t really explain this amazing feeling of anticipation. We have that holiday feeing going on with a lot of little tasks. While I have the urge … Read More

Those Arms Though!

I have coached, trained and/or advised over 500 women about their fitness challenges. The questions women ask me have a common theme, and they are often about physique improvement.  I have been sharing my answers to the most asked questions on my Instagram  and Facebook page. Because so many people requested this information,  and many busy women may have missed it … Read More

How Making Fitness Fun Can Improve Your Success

Recently I polled my clients about the biggest roadblocks women face in fit living.  We identified some common denominators, that can be powerful roadblocks if we let them. Two biggest  issues that surfaced repeatedly were: 1. FOMO ~ A common misconception is that to be fit we have to give up all of our free time and eat boring food out of … Read More

“Inconsistent is the new Fitness Habit”

I generally enjoy a lifting weights and prepping my own food. But at times I stgruggle to find time or motivation. When I need to find time in my schedule, I look to temporarily find hours, without jeopardizing my goals. Recently I found almost 4 hours in a week’s time by being inconsistent in my training and cooking. Yet, I … Read More